Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Games u might want 2 play :D:D!!

Hi everyone so this post is about games you could play. So the first game what you could play is msp i have talked about it a lot cause i really like it my name is lulu<1003> level 18 3 months star VIP! I have told you this before but just in case you did not read the other posts this is just a re cap but less boring lol. So that's one game another game is future self so basically what happens is that you put a pic of your self, and then you have to make sure the lines what come up are straight then when you done that you press enter and you can talk to your future, and it is called future self orange! 

Sunday, 13 September 2015


Hi guys so i'm gonna show you some shows you might want to watch if your bored. So the first show i'm gonna recommend is gamer guide. This show is a really good show full of adventures and more. My favorite episodes was the spirit egg. This episodes is about sharing and competitions. It is really good so watch it! Okay another show i would like to recommend is Jessie. So Jessie is a really good show its about a nanny who looks after 3 children i would name the 3 children but i cant be bothered to lol. So anyway the children s mum is Christina Ross i think and the dad is Morgan Ross. There are loads more shows i would like to recommend is i'm kick in it with you, kc undercover, and my fav Dog with a blog.

Msp gaming

Hi everyone so if you guys play msp i want to give some shout outs to some people. (So just in case you don't know what a shout out is, it is when you give people gifts greets ect). So first things first i want to give a shout out to I'm gorgeous in pink. She has her own blog look on it here is the link. http://helloitsyoshi.blogspot.co.uk/. Please look at it and put nice comments please x Okay so also i want to give a shout out to watermelon170 for giving me a gift. Also Charlotte $ babe who also gave me a gift!  Okay another person who gave me two gifts is blue sparkall and jenna amber. Last but not least XxblondychickxX So thats all the people i want to send a shout out to. Oh another thing i want to say is could you give me gifts ty if do x

School life!

Hi again. So this post is about school! I will be telling you about my life at school. We go to school for Education and to learn new things. But that's not all everyone has friends at school i do. But sometimes they can be really sassy. What would you do if your friends from school always try and make you jealous? I don't want to not be friends with them or else school would not be fun anymore but i don't want to be bossed around. Has this ever happened to you if it has what did you do? I would really appreciate your help and i don't want to have any arguments with my friends cause there is no pint it is just gonna make things worse. Can you help?

Msp shout outs

Hi everyone so i'm gonna be telling you about msp and people you should not add! On msp my name is lulu<1003> and i'm level 17 VIP. Everyone add me also could u add i'm gorgeous in pink :D She is supper sweet give her gifts greets ect. Okay so people who u should not add is i need a d8 now he tried to hack me but failed. Also you should not add the reincarnation who scammed me now i don't have any rares because of her :( Okay i wont say anymore cause there is quit a lot of people who u should not add lol. Remember keep safe on online games :D

New blog!

Hi guys its me Ella so i just made my new blog. This is my first blog i have made so i hope u guys like it. Oh and if u have time could u comment on my posts cause it gets really boring when people don't comment. If you want you can give me feedback also could u give me ideas of what to right about im thinking of writing about my school life and games i play such as msp. If u don't like my blog u understand but could you give me feedback. That would be really helpful and i would appreciate it. I really hope that i have fans :D